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Best Certified Cosmetic Surgeon for Tummy Tuck Procedures

Submitted by Bernabe Vazquez on July 30, 2013

96-300x202All surgical procedures require diligence on the part of the doctor and the patient. It is a process that involves mutual support in order to produce the best possible outcome. Some members of the medical field in their scramble to perform procedures that often times are not covered by insurance will open their practices to more lucrative cosmetic procedures. Although they are allowed to perform some of these procedures, they are not board certified and may not have the experience to handle the spectrum of issues that may arise. The board certification ensures that a board certified plastic surgeon has been trained in all aspects of cosmetic surgery. Often times as well, the lure of the lower cost is enough for some patients to forego the importance of seeking out a board plastic surgeon.

When it comes to your body, putting your life into the hands of an experienced, well regarded, board plastic cosmetic surgeon is really the only option. Cosmetic procedures such as the tummy tuck require skill and experience to get the procedure done quickly, aesthetically and correctly.

Good Preparation

Preparing for surgery requires cessation of smoking. It is a known fact that smoking inhibits healing and can be the culprit in complications. Eating a balanced and healthy diet will supply your body with the nutrients that are necessary for the healing process. Fit patients are the optimal candidates for cosmetic surgery.

Aesthetic Values

Every good plastic surgeon will take the time needed to discuss all your questions and to determine if you are indeed a candidate for the tummy tuck procedure. You will want to look at the before and after photographs to appreciate his or her aesthetic values.
Determining that the plastic surgeon is a good fit for you is an important part of the process. You will want someone who is going to be involved with you pre-surgery and post-surgery through the recovery process.

State of the Art Procedure

The state of affairs in the cosmetic industry is that there are a lot of catch phrases that create confusion. The mini tummy tuck is a perfect example. Suited for a thin patient with a small bulge in the lower abdomen, the mini tummy tuck can yield a shorter scar and a shorter recovery time.

For the most part, the population seeking the tummy tuck procedure is those that have tried dieting and exercise to reduce their flabby waistline. After multiple pregnancies the abdomen muscle group can remain stretched out, yielding a paunch.

Doctor Bernabe Vazquez has developed the Miami Tummy Tuck after years of being in his private board certified plastic surgery practice. This technique includes liposuction, which helps to create a tight and contoured waistline by including the upper abdomen as well. By performing liposuction, the surgical portion of the procedure is lessened, allowing for a shorter incision and a shorter recovery time. If there is a need for a drain, it will only be for a day, if that. The minimal surgical movement of tissue greatly decreases the incidence of fluids collecting and injury to the blood vessels.

The Miami Tummy Tuck procedure performed only by Doctor Bernabe Vazquez of Bayshore Cosmetic Surgery is much safer and more effective than the tummy tuck procedures that are typically performed by plastic surgeons today.

For your private and confidential consultation with the best-certified cosmetic surgeon for Tummy Tuck procedures, please call Bayshore Cosmetic Surgery at (305) 858-8222.