Is Liposuction Safe with a Tummy Tuck Procedure?
Submitted by Bernabe Vazquez on October 25, 2013
Having a tummy tuck is an option taken when there is an abundance of fat and skin that cannot be reduced through normal exercise and diet. This usually occurs when there has been a rapid and large weight loss, or when numerous pregnancies have caused the belly to stretch beyond normal.
Obtaining the Best Results
At Bayshore Cosmetic Surgery, we are extremely sensitive to every aspect of surgical protocols, especially when it comes to guiding our clients towards the least compromising technique in terms of ultimate health. Always in service to providing you with the silhouette you dream of, we are very aware that certain methods of obtaining good results are more advisable than others.
The Conventional Tummy Tuck
A conventional tummy tuck is a fairly invasive procedure where a crosswise decision is made just above the pubic area and the skin and fatty layer of the abdominal wall is separated from the underlying muscles. The belly button is released by making a circular cut around the exterior opening. The “six pack” muscles which may have been stretched apart by pregnancy or weight gain are then stitched back together along the midline. The loose excess tissue is then stretched down, measured and cut away. A new opening for the belly button to be brought out is then made and reattached to the skin.
Compromising the Blood Supply
During the separation of the skin and fatty tissues, the majority of the blood supply to the area is necessarily interrupted and a large space is consequently created when the new flap of tissue is laid back down. Therein lay the two most common problems associated with a conventional tummy tuck; 1) Compromised blood supply which can affect normal wound healing, and 2) a large space which will collect fluid, and require prolong, post op drainage.
Limitations of the Conventional Tummy Tuck
Because the blood supply in the conventional tummy tuck has been severely compromised during the procedure, it is generally considered too risky to perform an extensive liposuction of the surrounding area at the same time to prevent additional trauma. Hence the contouring that could and should have been done to obtain the best result is omitted. Likewise the potential fluid collecting space requires one or two drains which are left in for seven to fourteen days.
At Bayshore Cosmetic Surgery we highly advise you to be careful of combining liposuction with a conventional tummy tuck. Likewise the option of doing the two procedures at different times, although safer, will not provide the ideal results.
The Miami Tummy Tuck
Dr. Bernabe Vazquez of Bayshore Cosmetic Surgery has created a tummy tuck procedure that safely allows for the inclusion of liposuction. Called the Miami Tummy Tuck, precautions are made through the entire process to conserve the blood supply.
Developed and Perfected Over Time
This improved procedure has been developed and perfected over time by Dr. Vazquez. Much less invasive than a conventional tuck, and thus taking far less time to heal, the Miami Tummy Tuck combines two procedures to create a beautiful and artfully redesigned abdomen.
Minimal Cutting, Maximum Removal of Fat
Through his unique approach, Dr. Vazquez is able to do a minimal amount of cutting, using an exceptional liposuction technique to remove most of the fat that has collected in the area. Here a drain is no longer necessary, whereby the patient is able to recuperate faster while feeling less fatigued.
Contact Us Today
Please contact us for more information about how you can achieve a sleek midsection with our Miami Tummy Tuck.